Saturday, May 3, 2014


I walked through the field with my brain, thinking.
It struggling to think of who I would be,
and with each step I fell deeper, sinking.
I asked myself, when would I become free?

It taunts and it thinks the unthinkable.
Things I didn’t do, paths I would not take.
I wish I thought I was unsinkable.
But I couldn’t get my body to wake.

But, too many minutes had passed away.
Too many minutes that I had wasted.
My body took over and I obeyed.
I craved the freeness my body tasted.

I grew out from that mold and became me.   
This sonnet is all how I became free.


  1. Meghan, I love the way you constructed this poem. First reading the title, I was very unsure on what to expect, however as I read through it was very clear to understand the meaning. My favorite lines are "I asked myself, when would I become free?" and "I grew out from that mold and became me."

  2. Meghan, I love this poem! I think it's really complex and does a good job describing how many of us feel about changing and becoming who we want to be as well as the challenges that accompany that. I really liked the imagery of the field and sinking. I think it added to the tone and message a lot. Your imagery and details about your body and mind not agreeing is awesome! Good job!

  3. I'll be honest. I read the title and thought, "Why is Meghan writing about mold?" And so expecting a poem about fungus, I was happy to find such a meaningful poem instead of one about actual mold. Anyway, I really enjoyed this poem because it speaks to a lot of people who are finally taking that next step in life and breaking out of the mold that everyone made us to be.
