Sunday, May 4, 2014


Sometimes we don’t know the cost
of wandering aimlessly through the dark,
until everything we love is lost.

Our words can often feel like frost,
a fire ignited with a single spark.
Sometimes we don’t know the cost

useless mumblings can exhaust.
On futile battles we will embark
until everything we love is lost.

We have oceans that must be crossed,
ears strained for the sound of a lark.
Sometimes we don’t know the cost,

of all the souls that you will accost,
your pugnacious blows left their mark,
Until everything we love is lost.

Your imprint has been embossed,
a fire ignited with a single spark.
Sometimes we don’t know the cost
until everything we love is lost.


  1. I like the shift in the last stanza from something ambiguous to a specific person. Also, nice job with the rhymes!

  2. I really like the idea behind this, it's very relevant, and I feel everyone can respond to that feeling of not fully understanding something's influence until it is no longer present. That feeling of cold and warmth that you bring into this is great. You touch upon all of the senses really well, and when you shift to include the audience it opens up the idea that for even someone else, we may be that piece in their life that has been lost.

  3. I think that this poem is super relatable. It lays out the feelings that many have in a very tangible way, making sense of it all. I think that while the diction wasn't too complex, that really added to the poem, since the meaning wasn't shrouded in big words. This is a very lovely poem, nice work there.
