Sunday, May 4, 2014


The Unicorn and the Dragon
Picture this: a majestic valley scene
water cascading down the mountain,
Trees standing tall and proud.
A little pool has formed at the bottom
and there it stops to drink, gently
The horn barely brushes the water.

All would agree, this is now blessed water.
A hunter stops to take in the scene,
His bow, he lowers gently
He came from far over the mountain
He walked a long way to get to the bottom
He came to hunt but mercy makes him proud.

Those that are mystical are proud,
They have grace while drinking water.
What else can be found in this valley bottom?
Add a shining dragon to this scene
The gargantuan king of the mountain
And yet he treats the unicorn so gently,

Only through mutual respect does he treat gently
For they are both rare and proud
Sheltered from the world by the mountain
Protected by the threat of running water
A unique and tranquil scene,
Seen only by the hunter at the bottom.

For years they lived on this valley bottom
Living their lives gently
But now it is time for a change of scene
Because the hunter is proud.
He will tell of the blessed water,
The secret valley surrounded by mountain.

And soon they will not be safe with the mountain,
nor live in peace on the valley bottom.
People will come to take the water
They will not be treated gently.
For people live to destroy the proud,
And change the world to be their scene.

Protected long by the mountain, where they lived gently,
Gone is the majestic valley bottom, the former home of the proud.
Where the unicorn blessed the water, the dragon surveyed the scene.


  1. I still like this poem - the subject matter itself may seem trivial but you do a nice job writing about it and making it sophisticated.

  2. I absolutely love this poem. I know I've told you already but the images are so lovely and you utilize the form so well. Really wonderful work.

  3. This is one of my favorite poems that I have seen here because it paints a beautiful and inspiring scene. I am amazed at how you wrote this in one class and made it so great. You have a great talent for this, nice work!
