Monday, May 5, 2014

The Road Ahead

An unknown road lies ahead,

full of twists and turns all around.

Hearts beat, thoughts in our head.

Wonderful group they have said.

Stage filled with us in caps and gowns,
an unknown road lies ahead.

Of the life we so far have led,

a chapter is now buried underground.

Hearts beat, thoughts in our head.

Another begins instead, 

for here we stand college bound.

An unknown road lies ahead.

Our strong mark we will embed
on history it shall be crowned.

Hearts beat, thoughts in our head.

Our stories shall be read.

 This is the route our feet have found. 

An unknown road lies ahead,

hearts beat, thoughts in our head.


  1. Rona, I love this. I think that it clearly depicts our simultaneous fear and excitement surrounding graduation. -Jessica

  2. I think this poem successfully describes how we all feel about life after high school. You portray the fear/excitement emotions very well.

  3. Rona I think this poem is great! Through the repetition of certain lines, you very clearly portrayed the unknown we're all worried, yet excited about. You did a good job balancing the positive tone with the hesitant/anxious tone.

  4. Rona, I love this poem! I can relate to it and I like the line "a chapter is now buried underground." It makes me think of how we're making a new beginning and nothing from our past will matter... You did a good job of portraying everyone's anxious feelings.

  5. You pretty much said what we're all experiencing in these last few weeks. Great poem Rona.

  6. Rona, I think this poem is really good! It is well written and it captures perfectly the juxtaposing feelings of anxiety and excitement that we are all experiencing. I like that you wrote a poem that all of us can relate to.

  7. Rona this poem is really good! It portrays exactly what everybody is feeling and it flows nicely! The rhyme scheme is great too! Well done!

  8. I love this poem Rona. You did a great job rhyming to make it not sound forced. I really liked the idea of the poem and is exactly what I am feeling right now. Awesome job :)

  9. ahhhh emotions about graduating! very well said, and comforting to know "our stories will be read."

  10. Rona this poem is great! I think you expressed all of our feelings about graduating and college very well. I quite like the rhythm of the poem that you created with the repeating lines, and I think they flow very well.
