Sunday, May 4, 2014

Poem #1


I’m in my mid twenties, eager to go.
I am ready to pack up my luggage.
My suitcases are lined up in a row.
I have waited years to have that passage.
I was anxious when I started to walk.
By plane or train I knew I would travel.
Planning my course on the driveway with chalk.
Later, I laid out my maps unraveled.
The time has come, I can hardly believe.
College is over it’s time to explore.
I’ve got my plane ticket, ready to leave,
To discover foreign countries’ own lore.
Paris, Rome, Greece, London-I’m on my way.
After staying I may want to just stay.


  1. Eric I really like this. It flows well and the concept is very fitting. I love the line "Planning my course on the driveway with chalk." That really captures the point of time going fast. I bet college will go just as fast as high school.

  2. This is great Eric! I love the opening - it captured my attention. Then you get into the whole college piece and I know that this is relatable to so many people. I love when you mention the chalk and the sidewalk. I remember when I was little and that would happen. Love this!!

  3. I love the connection of past and future too! I can hear your voice in this poem. It is like a glimpse for what is to come! The first line did capture my attention because of the "mid twenties" it kept me engaged because I was curious about why you were talking about a twenty year old. Very nice flow, nice job!!

  4. I loved this poem! I really enjoyed the use of persona to show the main idea. It takes a strong writer to be able to write another person without injecting a little bit of yourself in it. The poem really showed the wonder of how big the world really is. Keep up writing! You're really talented!
