Sunday, May 4, 2014


Trapped. Frozen.
Like an animal in a cage.
Pierced. Pained.
Like a gunshot wound.
There are no more days.

The wheels must keep on turning,
The heart’s flames must keep on burning.
That vitality must keep on yearning.
The mind must keep on learning.

We’re survivors.
We’re against the odds winners,
We’re one in a million.

Let the heartbeat tell danger in morse code,
“We’re not afraid.”
The world’s full of demons and monsters ready to rob us of our lives,
But we cannot show our fear.
We can only show vitality,
Automatically, no hesitation, no um
No maybe in a minute,
Just now.
Stand up.
Get on those two feet and show the world that vitality is
The shining God fingers,
The leaf buds on the tree.
The beginning, unconcerned with the end.

Clock ticking, chest pumping,
Nerves shaking, ears thumping.
The time is limited, so why waste it?
Why not use every drop of life down till the last?
Why not enjoy every second that passes?
Leave anything that holds you back in the dust,
And run like Mercury.
Those threats against vitality,
Affect your personality,
Because every one of those threats has a duality.

Don’t sink to the life of a gambler,
Hoarding aces in his sleeves,
Grabbing at the stacks of chips.
For life is not a game,
People need not snuff out others’ lanterns
To fill their own with vile shame.

The flames need to burn on their own.
Slow, bright burns, persisting through
The blows that cause them to flicker.

Life doesn’t need to be tragic,
Just throw in a little magic,
And there will not be written another page,
Chronicling that lifeless rage.

Here we are,
Armed with semi-auto vitality,
Ready to face the world just wanting to

Life is an hourglass,
But it’s a choice in how each grain is spent.
Every little moment.
Every little grain.
Don’t let the hourglass crack before the last sand falls.
It’s not your time.


  1. I really like the structure of this poem. I particularly like the emphasis on "Drag. Us. Down." and "Never. Give. Up." in the last two stanzas. Well done.

  2. Kanye West just made a song called "New Jason Flow" and he has plagiarized this very poem. The last stanza left me speechless.

  3. The first stanza got me hooked. What will this be about? Who wrote this?? I love the line, "the beginning, unconcerned with the end." I love the beat and urgency you created in the 5th stanza, mimicking those things, the clock, heart, etc. Great!

  4. I loved this poem, Jason!! I think this is the one you read aloud at Mr. GHS, and it was absolutely amazing spoken, too!!! Great job!!
