Sunday, May 4, 2014

I promised I wouldn't preach

I was the small animal, shivering in the cave,
Scarcely breathing, trapped, pushed in.
My beating heart revved like a motor engine,
Like adrenaline in fierce hostilities.
Though I could not see it,
I was too busy trying to frolic among the alpha-males,
As though that was the only way to live,
Sharpening my claws when I could have been sharpening my cunning,
Because here we live not understanding,
That not everyone is gonna flaunt themselves as the big dog.
I’m out now,
I grew opposable thumbs and was able to turn the key,
And say “Do svedanya”
To what I realized was just,
A pile of males competing to be on top.
If people wish to take a stand,
Against something they cannot truly feel,
Then I implore you,
Do my lungs not breathe the same air as you do?
Does my heart not beat just as yours does?
Do my eyes not perceive the same wonders as you do?
For those of you who enjoy
Distinguishing right and wrong,
Look at the animal to your left and
Watch if he tries to steal from your plate
Instead of letting your eyes burn
With that overwhelming rage.
Those claws can’t scratch the surface
On understanding that the same blood
Flows within our veins. 


  1. I love this overall metaphor Jason. I think we can all relate to the feeling of competition which is often very irrational, but yet is in each of us. And when you say "look at the animal to your left," that sense of fear and anticipation we witness with everyone we encounter. It's super interesting. You really discuss this relationship well.

  2. Wow Jason this is really good! Just like the comment before mentions, everybody knows the feeling of competition and this is really relatable to those feelings. Th ending I thought was really good too. It ties everything up well and it makes a statement for sure! Really well done!

  3. I love the overall feeling and message of the poem. Some of the diction seemed to read a little roughly, but the imagery was amazing. You also made the poem come full circle in the end, and hit hard at the basic facts of existence in a very touching and beautiful way. I loved the poem!

  4. Jason well done! Your word choice is amazing and really portrays you as a writer.
