Monday, May 16, 2011

As They Seemed Before

Woke up this morning and

Things were not as they seemed before.

My alarm clock was broken, and

My room was thrown upon the floor.

But its okay, cause I bet it was a hell of a night before.

I woke to see these for walls staring right back at me,

An unspoken accusation to my broken proclamation

And who’s to blames in a situation where both sides are at fault ,

The fire or the fire starter?

The fire or the one who lit this godforsaken match and burnt this all down,

All of our hopes and dreams.

Leaving nothing but a scar on the land.

So who here is to blame?

I woke up this morning to see,

I had no clothes up and around my room.

So I went to see if they’d been thrown, upon my lawn in a cliché fashion.

A suitable punishment for actions speaking louder,

Than any words that I could ever say to you.

But when I got there not a sock was to be found.

Where did you all go?

Was it my fault for not seeing it there, or

Your fault for not leaving the light on to guide me home?


  1. <333333333 i edited this it's good.

  2. This is my favorite line: "The fire or the one who lit this godforsaken match and burnt this all down," I like the duplicity of this poem. Nice work.
