Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Was Invisible for Eighteen Years

I was invisible for eighteen years,

Too afraid of what she might say.

If only I knew how to conquer my fears.

It took all I had to fight back the tears.

My mom told me to ignore it every day,

I was invisible for eighteen years.

I would run away every time I knew she was near,

sometimes I wouldn’t even go outside to play.

If only I knew how to conquer my fears.

She is a bully always mocking with a sneer,

from her rude comments I tried to stray.

I was invisible for eighteen years.

She wasn’t worth all the pain, it is clear

I should have dealt with her in a different way.

If only I knew how to conquer my fears.

Some day I hope I can make her hear

all the mean things she said to me, her prey.

I was invisible for eighteen years,

If only I knew how to conquer my fears.


  1. Sarah, this is very powerful for its message. I love the title and am so impressed you pulled off a villanelle. Good work!

  2. I like how you tied the words fears and tears together. I never would have thought of that and the connection is easy to relate to.

  3. Awe Sarah this is sad, but it sends a good message and I was impressed with your ability to write a villanelle

  4. I think the villanelle format works really well here as it emphasizes the prolonged nature of your pain at the hands of this bully. Although this is sad, it is a very well written poem!

  5. The villanelle was an excellent choice of format because it highlights the recurring nature of the discomfort and agony. There is something so raw and real about this poem, I really like it, despite its clearly sad message.

  6. i love ya sar she's stupid anyways your never invisible to me xoxo

  7. I love this poem it really hits home and reiterates the struggles of high school for some. I love that you put it into a villanelle, I feel that the ideas are creative and connect very well with the reader. :)

  8. I love that is in villanelle form. Which is hard to do in itself, but then you combined it with a powerful message behind it. Great poem.

  9. Sarah you did a really good job on this poem. It was super relatable and there was a lot of emotion behind it! you're awesome! and not invisible!

  10. Wow, great job with the Villainelle format. You pulled it off really well and it fits the topic for sure, very cyclical and repetitive.
