Tuesday, May 17, 2011


An African giant towers above the plains.

A sky-scraper with long twig legs,

he moves with grace, balance, and poise

nimble legs moving in powerful strides.

His long neck painted with smudges of brown,

splashed against a textured, yellow canvas.

The creature’s sheer height and colossal size

an awe-inspiring spectacle.

Reaching the treetops, the giraffe feasts

on green delicacies unattainable to most.

Stubby horns and swiveling ears,

the giraffe stands alert--



A movement--

A faint rustle in the grass.

The wide-eyed giant flees across the parched savannah.

kicking up clouds of dust in his hasty escape.

It’s unseen predator fading back into the shadows

as the wandering giraffe returns to it’s herd.


  1. I love your use of vivid details Megan! It kept me very interested and I could feel the presence of the giraffe :)

  2. I loved the beautiful use of imagery, and especially the climax when the giraffe almost got eaten. My favorite line was definitely "wide-eyed giant" because it's pretty much the description of giraffes in a nutshell.

  3. Very descriptive poem, Megan. You obviously know a lot about Giraffes. I like how you keep description in the first stanza, and move the action into the second. There is a stark contrast between the graceful nature of the Giraffe and then its quick reaction.

  4. The amount of vivid imagery in your poem is breath taking. Your poem paints a clear picture for me. I also love the waiting... watching... because it allows ones to fill in the details with their own mind.

  5. Very impressive Megan! Your love for giraffes really shines through! Good detail and imagery

  6. The fact that it is very easy to picture the events of the poem is an attribute to your strong imagery and writing. By using such refined tone it is easy to infer your fanatical awe of giraffes, well done.

  7. I love your use of sensory details here. It makes it very easy for someone to picture exactly what your talking about.

  8. I love the imagery! And the simple fact that it's about Giraffes. Its a great poem that you can really picture while you read.

  9. Its about a giraffe. I'm so proud of you. My question is: Where is the accompanying drawing? ;p
