Monday, May 16, 2011

Memories of My Past

I am 12
I no longer cling tight to my mother’s side
yet, I am still timid and shy
entering middle school, this is the biggest step
no longer a tom-boy
but not quite a girlie-girl
too old to play with toys
too young to wear the lipstick that glides across my mother’s lips
now at 18, I want to relive those familiar days
I still long for a sweeping good-night kiss from my father
and the security of clinging tight to my mother’s side
I want to stop in my tracks and reverse,
to spend all my $2.50 at can-depot
catch fireflies on a warm summer night
to lace up my Air Jordan’s
and run out of the locker room, basketball in hand
just one more time
but relishing on my past will do no good
these days will soon blend together
it’s time for a new chapter


  1. i like the reflection aspect of your poem, and the specifics

  2. I like the flashbacks in your poem. It helps show the reader what your thinking.

  3. I can completely relate to your memories, the kind of quintessential Gorham childhood (can-depot especially, ha. I always got a ringpop).
    You use some great words for imagery (lipstick that glides... sweeping good-night kiss). As a reader I can empathize both with the little girl and the 18-year old one.

  4. These details are at once universal and also carve out your voice nicely. It's true that both ages in this poem are ones that straddle two worlds. LOVE the line: too old to play with toys
    too young to wear the lipstick that glides across my mother’s lips. Awesome!
