Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I am

I am 18 years old

& I am making my future,

while relishing in my past.

One step closer to the end, and one step closer to

a whole new beginning.

I am 18 years old

& yet I want to be 10 again, to be a carefree child

with not a single worry in the world,

knowing that the future was a whole world away.

I am 18 years old

& there is something due everyday,

a paper

a scholarship

an essay

a decision.

I am 18 years old

& I feel like that indecisive 15 year old,

but this time my decision is not about

waffles or pancakes.

I am 18 years old

& all I want is to spend each day with my father,

knowing that these are the last times

I will be able to come home after class and have him ask how it went.

I am 18 years old

& I am realizing that the person I am going to miss the most is my dog,

who may not be there to greet me the next time I come home.

I am 18 years old

& I cannot even fathom my life outside of my small town.

I am 18 years old

& all I want to do is sleep in MY bed one last time.


  1. I love the way you balance this moment of moving forward and looking back. I love the line about your father and this one: "I cannot even fathom my life outside of my small town." I'm glad I heard this read out loud. Thanks.

  2. I really like the repetition with "I am 18 years old.." Well done.

  3. I loved hearing this out loud. It reminds me of Natalie's poem a bit because it is about straddling the known and unknown. And you capture it beautifully.

  4. These poems are all about growing up and its freaking me out. I can relate to yours though. Its scary stuff! Plus I like the repetition, reminding us of your age :p

  5. I like how this is personal yet everyone can relate to it in some way

  6. Yes, Kel! All I can think of is you reading this in class. It's a really powerful and heartfelt piece. Love it!
