Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am From...

I am from a hard working blue collar family

I am from a rough and rowdy crowd

I am from the woods of East Millinocket and the potato fields of the Aroostic county

I am from the deer stand and fishing boat

I am from a past where you learn from your sins

I am from a lifetime of filling my father;s shoes

I am from playing god;s greatest sport every friday night under the lights

I am from the blood sweat and tears of two-a-days

I am from working for what I have

I am from loud trucks and 10 dollars a gallon

I am from living the life I enjoy


  1. Very NIce Job Joey!

  2. I think this poem represents you well Joey. I love the line: "I am from a lifetime of filling my father's shoes."

  3. I like how I can picture everything clearly, especially the football games.
