Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life's no book

Little Bear

Yes the book

Like warm summer nights

And blueberry iced tea

It brings me back

To a time when things were simple

Where the biggest worry was what I was going to eat for breakfast

And the only heartbreak was that bedtime had come

But just like my childhood and the story itself

All things will come to an end.

So turn the page and get ready for what comes next

Because life is not a book, and you cannot flip back to the beginning.

Kyle Nielsen


  1. I like the blueberry iced tea detail. I think my favorite line is: "And the only heartbreak was that bedtime had come..." Good work Kyle.

  2. I agree with Ms. Herlihy. I thought the line "and the only heartbreak was that bedtime had come..." was ingenious! I could definitely relate to your poem.

  3. I was just going to write that my favorite line was "And the only heartbreak was that bedtime had come" but saw that the two people before me had done the same so I agree! I also liked the line about it ending just like the story. It's something that we're most likely all thinking about as we get closer to graduation!

  4. I like how you tied the image of the book in the beginning to the line "Because life is not a book, and you cannot flip back to the beginning" at the end of the poem. This really gives the poem a sense of closure and finality.

  5. My favorite line is the last, "Because life is not a book, and you can't flip back to the beginning." It is all to true and people tend to live in this fairy tale world, that will never exist.

  6. this is a good poem kyle. I like that this isn't some cheesy poem, its real.

  7. Kyle, I didn't know you we're that deep. I actually really liked it. It's real, and definitely brings me back to my childhood. Good job.

  8. Simplicity is super effective here. Each sentence is necessary to the whole meaning, and the message is super powerful because of that. Nice job!
