Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Cold sunlight outside the window. 
Lowering skies, on the river.
A cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul 
He wondered if he would die.
Small and weak. sitting alone.
Day after day
Kindly lights his soul so constantly beheld.
His throat ached with a desire to cry aloud
in that magic moment
Weakness and timidity would fall from him.
The host and God would enter his purified body.
Gardens, soothing air
A wild rose
She too wants me to catch hold of her.


  1. My favorite thing about this poem is that it a concrete subject: "his soul", "his throat", "his body". I think it adds a lot to a poem when the more abstract diction can be connected to something that can actually be seen. And I really like the personification in the last line!

  2. I really loved this one. It created a feeling, not just a description. You finished reading it in a different mood than you may have been when you started which shows how strong it is!

  3. I agree with both Megan and Jordan. I like how you connect the concrete with the abstract. I also think this technique allows a clear mood to be created. I love the first two lines because it sets the tone for the rest of the poem.
