Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Mom is here; now she’s gone.

Best friend, is now no longer.

Goodbye earth; Hello heaven


  1. This could almost be a haiku if you pared it down by a couple syllables. It's also true; we only have moments.

  2. I love the break down you executed within your poem. I lays out a story and allows one to have their own opinion of what is happening but only you know the true meaning. Great job.

  3. While exceedingly simple, I really enjoyed this poem. Each snippet gave me a clear image and the final line really made me think about the impermanence of things and the brevity of our time here on Earth. Nice Work.

  4. Other than thinking you are amazing! I love this poem it. It is abrupt and very to the point which reminds me how truly short life can be. Amazing work!

  5. very powerful. Only a few words with a powerful message.

  6. This is powerful but very sad!

  7. Wow. Thats amazing. So much said in so few words, which is really the only way to do the topic justice. Beautiful work
