Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where Shall We Sail?

Where shall we sail?
Beyond the sea we may find.
What is left of him; we shall not fail

For miles and miles there is no existence of a trail.
We are sailing blind.
Where shall we sail?

Searching to find our holy grail,
What leads us is the strong gust of west wind,
What is left of him; we shall not fail.

Quickly come and look at this gray whale.
A majestic creature that is envied by mankind.
Where shall we sail?

Stuck out to sea with the lack of gale,
There is no peace of mind.
What is left of him; we shall not fail.

The prevailing winds have proven to prevail.
And now the last leg of the trip has been redefined.
Where shall we sail?
What is left of him; we shall not fail.


  1. This reminds me of Moby Dick. Have you read that?

  2. ^ I agree. A villanelle is a very effective structure for this topic.

  3. I agree with both Ms. Herlihy and Grace. You should read Moby Dick if you haven't. I am very impressed with all the villanelles that people have posted, but I think I particularly liked yours because the tone and diction match and effectively express not only the haunting nature of your topic, but also the old-style nature of the villanelle itself.

  4. When you say Gale, are you implying the heart wrenching lack of our flow-haired classmate?

    All jokes aside, I think you did a great job of creating the image of a boat at sea, and to do it in Villanelle format makes it even more impressive.

  5. I'm really impressed that you could write a villanelle they're so hard to write and I'm jealous of how good at rhyming you are. I mean, sail, trail, gail it's pure genius.
