Monday, May 16, 2011


Underneath my mask is the face of the little girl I used to be
The little girl who never judged nor harmed
The little girl who danced around the tree on Christmas eve with glow in her eyes
The little girl who could brighten your day with the touch of her hand

Underneath my tear drop is a hidden key
So hidden, not even the receiver knows the answer
So hidden, confusion becomes an issue
So hidden, the world can not understand

Underneath this shy girl is someone waiting
Waiting, for the right moment to shine
Waiting, for someone to understand
Waiting, for things to change

Underneath this mask hides
The girl who dances in the mirror when no one is watching
The girl who sings in the shower thinking no one can hear
The girl who loves life and wants life to love back

1 comment:

  1. As I said to you, I love this poem and the details of Christmas Eve and the anticipation of the speaker, waiting to surge out into the world. Thanks for posting this.
