Monday, May 16, 2011

The Dishwasher’s Night.

Do not fear the splatter of food.
(Though the pureed chop-suey looks like cat vomit.)
But don’t get the diet aides wet; they think that’s rude.

A bucket of thrown away food sloshing about can ruin your mood,
That mush used to be a biscuit.
Do not fear the splatter of food.

The coffee containers are stained black; too long brewed.
Half of the stuff you see seems like it could be the home of a maggot.
But don’t get the diet aides wet; they think that’s rude.

An earring was dropped into the bucket, could it be rescued?
Never expect a respite.
Do not fear the splatter of food.

The milk seems to have been spewed-
You agreed to all this when you signed that packet.
But don’t get the diet aides wet; they think that’s rude.

Stuffed into the teacup, the napkin has been corkscrewed.
The juice, water, and milk makes a rivulet,
Until the entire platform is strewed.
Do not fear the splatter of food.


  1. It takes guts to post a villanelle! To write it, the rhyme was easy to get lost in, but you seemed to breeze through it easily, which is nice. I also love how accurate of a portrayal of GHOOP Dietary this is (yes, I was only there 3 months, but I got a pretty good gauge for the atmosphere). I also really appreciate that you posted a humorous poem, rather than something serious, as most people have done. Very nice!

  2. I hate the fact that I know exactly what you're writing about here

  3. The imagery is great in this poem! Your voice is very strong and I love how you crafted a villanelle form a dishwasher!

  4. The dishwasher villanelle may be the niche poetry has been lacking. Witty and disturbingly sensorial.

  5. I hate the dishwasher's night. But definitely get the diet aides wet. Everyone else thinks it's hilarious.
