Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I am not of your expectations.
I am me. Not just anyone, Not everyone.
Just me.
The things I like, and the friends I love are just like the things you like and the friends you love,
with a few variations in between.
But, that’s what I am, and that’s what is this country, and this world.
We are all just variations of the same thing.
A spectrum of the human being.
Religion says we are all born from Adam and Eve,
Science says we are born from the same microscopic atoms left by stardust.
I like to believe it’s both.
So don’t go on your high horse thinking you’re alpha among this wolf pack,
I’m right up there with you buddy, right up there among the other 6 billion people, who are all the same but not.


  1. The first line reminds me of the India Arie song, "I am not my Hair". I love, love the lines:
    Religion says we are all born from Adam and Eve,/Science says we are born from the same microscopic atoms left by stardust./I like to believe it's both."
    Me too.

  2. Each time I read this poem I hear you reciting it. It's one of my personal favorites. The last three lines in particular serve as a hook to me. I think you made a great choice in keeping this poem free verse!

  3. YEAH, Kennedy! I agree with Raisa, all I can hear is this being read in your voice. It's fantastic, how you've gotten your voice to such a poignant level. I also love that this is a power poem, like a rev-up poem, but it's not obnoxious or aggressive in any way. And the "stardust" line is just, so pure awesome. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. This comment went into the ether too. But here are my favorite lines: "Religion says we are all born from Adam and Eve,/Science says we are born from the same microscopic atoms left by stardust./I like to believe it’s both."
    Love this.
