Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cheap meals,

breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Bagels with cream cheese,

99 cent donuts,

and sausage, egg, and cheese.

Vanilla chai,

Iced tea with sugar,

Caramel iced latte, and

in the winter; gingerbread coffee.

Memories like donuts

sweet and exciting;

early on the ice,

later in the

back of math class

drinks in hand.

Hot summer days,

going to the beach,

refreshing cold

sand and salt.

Working hard,

and making money.

Every morning,

awake at six,

in to work,

a day in paradise.

Bitter coffee smells,

drinks all day

ice, flavor, sugar,

cream, coffee and repeat.

Changing minds, corrupting tastes

coffee is the drug of choice

morning, noon and night.

Its personal history,

its high school,

its adoration

its Dunkin Donuts.


  1. "Every morning, awake at 6, into work, a day in paradise." Going into work at 6:00 AM is paradise for you, thats true adoration. <3 dunks

  2. I like how you managed to take a topic that most people don't take seriously and make it personal to you. My favorite line is "Memories like donuts/ sweet and exciting;"As a person who can relate to your love of Dunks, I think this poem is very well done!

  3. I think I want to work there now! Not really, but I appreciate your love for dunks and this poem really expresses that.

  4. Hanna, this poem is very enjoyable to read! You take a topic that is so insignificant to many people, and with vivid imagery present it as a legitimate and important part of your everyday life. Well done!

  5. I agree with Megan about the favorite line. It also speaks to both your voice and sense of humor.

  6. I feel like this basically sums up our high school existence! Great Job Han :) Although I must point out that donuts only cost 69 cents at Hannaford hahaha

  7. This is perfectly you Hanna! You did a good job of putting your love for Dunks into a poem.

  8. I love this poem, i think it really captures the essence of not only teens, but most everyones obsession with dunkin donuts.

  9. I like that you have taken a subject that most people think anything more of than there morning coffee, and turned it into something personal.

  10. Haha I love the flow of the poem and also the comic timing at the end. IT really paints an accurate picture and is both beautiful yet not corny at all! Kudos
