Monday, May 16, 2011

I am from by Mo Clements

I am from a falls girls team were the passion to win drives us.

I am from that feeling you get when you step on to that field before a big game.

I am from tough practices, over eating team dinners, and the victory of winning.

I am from one team one dream.

I am from two best friends who are my sisters.

I am from a friday night football game.

I am from a driven sister, a hardworking brother and a open minded younger sister.

I am from a good women loved by a real good man.

I am from a strong religious strong moral’d family.

I am from a sinful brother who's younger sister looks up to.

I am from walking on the edge.

I am from a girl who has grown and learned from her mistakes.

I am from a girl who tries to make everyone happy by taking on way to much.

I am from alway's taking in that person with a broken wing.

I am from over coming the impossible.

I am from achieving my goals.

I am from knowing what I want.

I am from a rusted out maroon pick up.

I am from blasting country music with the windows rolled down on a hot summer day.

I am from sunday afternoons fishing with my grandfather.

I am from the most important thing is family.


  1. I love the line: "I am from walking on the edge" So true of this time in life. It also reflects your very kind heart and lovely family.

  2. "I am from one team one dream" <3
    I can definitely relate to this poem Mo. And I can feel your emotion when I'm reading it.
