Monday, May 16, 2011


I am running all alone

Accompanied by the sullen drone

Of my broken heart.

Then you saw me go by

You know that I am shy

And that my heart is falling apart.

I fell right to the ground

Without the slightest sound

Completely filled with hate.

Then you helped me to my feet

And our eyes do meet

You’re not a second late.

Tears falling from above

Because of hate and love

Quickly rolling down my face.

You standing close to me

The one thing that I see

Bringing me on to a better place.

You holding me so near

Easing every fear

That disrupts my mind.

You talking very slow

Just to let me know

That good we always find.

You take away the pain

The truth is very plain

You heal using your love.

You genuinely care

Much to my despair

I’m the one you’re thinking of.

You tell me it’s ok

Not to fear the day

Because you know I will.

When I’m wrapped up in your arms

I’m safe from any harm

And time seems to stand still.

We stand there for a while

Never with the slightest smile

You just holding me.

Not saying a single word

But your voice is heard

A better day there will be.


  1. I really love that you took a potentially cliched topic and managed to make it your own. I think this becomes especially clear in the last stanza when you "stand there for a while/Never with the slightest smile." It's unexpected given the subject, which keeps things interesting.

  2. I think you pulled the rhyme scheme off perfectly! The flow and tone intertwine perfectly. I would have liked to see more imagery but I understand that can be tricky in a format such as this one.

  3. I like the first three lines:"I am running all alone/accompanied by the sullen drone/of my broken heart." These kind of phrases do what Sydney says: manage to make the potentially cliche fresh.

  4. With poems that rhyme, I usually focus more on the rhyming rather than the actual content, but this poem somehow manages not to emphasize it as much. The content of your poem really shines through in a non-cheesy way- which is why I love it!!!

  5. I agree with Erika. Weaving emotion and sentimentality into a typically lighthearted format is not easy but I think you managed to pull it off nicely.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You could really feel the persons emotion coming out of this poem. I held a lot of sadness but at the same time hope. I think that it really flowed nicely and got a great picture of what the writer was trying to get across.
