Monday, May 16, 2011

Only You by Liz Rockett

Since you left me I've been lost.

Loss surrounds me as your arms once did.

The heart that once felt warm, now feels cold and


Looking in the mirror,

What didn’t you see?

What imperfection turned you away?

I see a girl, almost a woman, insecure and torn.

Blue, green, gold, black eyes.

Crystal clear from the tears running down

those flushed cheeks.

Memories, laughing, crying, screaming.

Somehow I still love(d) you, despite your imperfections.

The many I saw never once turned me away.

Wishing you could put down the bottle,

or that you didn't need to disappear into that world.

Wishing I was enough, that I could take you away

from everything that hurt you.

I see your dreams surpass your reach,

as you dig yourself deeper,

and deeper,

and deeper still.

Somehow my help wasn't helpful at all.

Somehow it pushed you away,

further with every “I love you” exchanged between,

You and I.

You and I are no more.

But whose choice was that?

Was it you? Or was it you in that other world?

Only you will ever know.

Only you.

1 comment:

  1. I like the line: "Somehow my help wasn't helpful at all." It's true; sometimes when we so desperately want to help, we have the opposite effect. Thanks for sharing it.
