Monday, May 16, 2011


Underneath my shirt is my skin

Underneath my skin is my heart

Underneath my heart is veins.

Underneath my jacket is my favorite t-shirt

Underneath my t-shirt is my skin

Underneath my skin is my heart

Underneath my heart is a warm hearted person.

Underneath my car is rusted out parts.

Underneath the rusted out parts is my old engine

Underneath my engine is something that still runs after a hard 15 years on the road.

Underneath my gloves are my hands

Underneath my hands is rough skin.

Underneath my rough skin is a hard working man.

-Anthony Griffin


  1. I really like this poem and the way anthony went with it.

  2. It's true that you have a good heart Anthony and you have the hard working values from your family and grandfather. I like how you started out with concrete and ended up with a character trait.
