Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lost Dreams

She wandered through
Dreaming of crystal clear skies,
Fluffy ivory clouds,

Dreaming of everlasting happiness,
Majestic white horses, fairy tales,

Dreaming of love at first sight,
Nothingness, simplicity, warm fuzzies,

Dreaming of hope that turns into real truth
Dreaming of destiny that exceeds expectation

Under closed eyelids a story begins to form,
Imagination swirls.
Sun peeks.
The dreams are lost to the breaking dawn.


  1. Your last line "The dreams are lost to the breaking dawn." Paints a very vivid image in my mind. Thanks for sharing, great job. :D

  2. I like this! although it makes me feel like I'm waking up from a good dream.

  3. I really liked how I could visualize it as I read it. Great job!
