Wednesday, May 18, 2011


When you think more than you want, your thoughts begin to bleed,
And if you keep on thinking you'll find out what you need,
A way to let them out, theyll only grow and grow,
those thoughts you keep thinking, need to let them show,

Those true emotions, the ones we always hide,
Cant stay hidden forever, they cant stay inside,
When there's no way out and the only way is deeper,
keep digging in, its only getting steeper.


  1. Cam I really love this. My favorite is "your thoughts begin to bleed" and then "You'll find out what you need." I think we can all relate to this process of over-thinking and needing this process to find out what we really want. I think the choice of the rhyme was also very effective because it makes this intense process seem lighter. Good job! :)

  2. Like Kelsie, I really like the first line. Good work!
