Monday, May 16, 2011

The title of this poem is about as long as the actual poem.

Some say brevity,
is the heart and soul of wit,
but I am just lazy.


  1. There's a paradox that you have created. By using the word "about", the poem becomes EXACTLY as long as its title, but by using "exactly" the poem becomes ABOUT as long as it title. Speaking in terms of syllables of course. Your combination of wit and laziness is perfect.

  2. welcome to the brotherhood of anti-poets. unfortunately that's only a haiku, which even as an anti-poet is hard to respect, but we can start you as an apprentice and if you work hard you can rise through the ranks and eventually even become an apprentice first class.

  3. I'm so glad Will is keeping track of syllables and Connor is taking you under his wing. Feel officially welcomed into the tribe. Polonious would be honored, I have no doubt.

  4. You certainly support your statement of brevity with this "poem".

  5. Haha Blake I love this- very truthful and entertaining.
