Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Everyone looked at me,
“You are just like him.”
Cherry pie, lights on at the dinner table.
They clung to the common similarities.
Desperate, hoping for one thing that could bring him

But it didn’t, I wasn’t him.
He was gone.
So I stayed strong, hoping that would be
For my family to move on.
But they didn’t.

Tears continued to fall,
Depression lingered in the corners
For years, never fully

I tried to be what everyone needed.
To banish the sadness and stop
The cycle of salty water rolling
Down their faces.
They cried. Yet I couldn’t.
And no one noticed.


  1. I like how you used enjambment to embellish the significance of some of the words you used.

  2. I like the line: I tried to be what everyone needed./To banish the sadness....
    I also like the details in the first stanza. The personification of sadness is a nice layer too.

  3. I like the detail and your use of descriptive words.

  4. I like the way you broke up the lines to stress the emotion of certain words

  5. I think this poem resonates with a clear tone. I like the notion of trying to "banish" sadness. Nice work.

  6. The tone of this poem is really moving and the way you ended it with "And no one noticed.
" is so simple yet powerful at the same time.
