Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lovely to Meet You

I will always love someone,
and that someone
will probably love another,
and the one after that
will love some other,
and the one after that.
Well, that’s up to them,
Just as it’s up to me.
To keep on loving
until I find that someone
who will love me back.
For he, or she, or whatever they may be,
Was loving all along.
Just to find me.


  1. I love the convolution of the "someones" and the "others." I think it expresses the difficulty and confusion of love perfectly.

  2. I agree with Sydney and I think the title offsets the repetition in the poem. Nice work here!

  3. I love the last sentence! Very good poem.

  4. I love this poem. The repetition and confusion you incorporated into this is a great way to express love.

  5. Oh Kennedy, why are you so good at poeting. I adore the idea of love being a chain, an overlapping spectrum. The idea of loving until you find someone can love you to the same extent.
    Rad. So Rad. And the title fits perfectly.

  6. I think the title makes the whole poem. And it's true about love: perseverance can get you far.

  7. The first thing I thought of when I read this was the song Somebody to Love. So I find myself reading this singing in my head. GREAT job!
