Monday, May 16, 2011


Wandering, lucid thoughts fading in and out,

a moment of alarming self realization occurred.

Questioning why one does, yields little solace.

Internal honesty hurts, lie through synapses.

Parts are coded, instructed to be this and that,

an eternal struggle between ego and super ego.

Thoughts learned fight thoughts born.

The taught ideal haunts the now disappointing real.

Programmed for avoiding death, not living past.

Want beyond need, self labeled greed,

a complete mess after food and water.

Chasing an end pushed ever further away,

Define what is good and try to attain,

destined for falling short to an incapacity of selflessness.

Striving to be the person who cares for more

then his square of the world,

but honestly does anything outside of it matter?

The harder the struggle, the more it is clear,

two people are fighting in between the two ears.

Internal honesty hurts, lie through synapses.


  1. I like the fact that you manage to use synapses in a poem and make it metaphorical. And the idea of it resonates with many people: eternal struggle indeed.

  2. Im a big fan of this poem. The allusions...the of my favorite lines in this poem is the line "Want beyond need, self labeled greed" in particular because of the internal rhyme. It is simple, but often in poems, it is one small decision, maybe even in one line that has a big affect on the flow of the poem.

    I think it is funny that people are posting these poems, and probably not even realizing that they are unconsciously using terms from the Lit Terms test.

  3. I like this poem. I always thought you were lazy.

  4. I agree with Turner. You did a great job, very well composed.

  5. This poem does a very good job of showing us what is going on in your head. I can tell how you're struggling in your mind
