Thursday, April 30, 2009


I look outside and almost see
a summer filled with sun and glee.
The days packed with such promised fun
are close; it's almost graduation!
But at a time that I should be glad,
I often find myself almost sad.

When I look back to remember old days
I find it hard to believe it's almost May.
I can't bring myself to depart from my friends
or think that my childhood could almost end.
Even with the future full of new people to meet,
I still find it all almost bittersweet.

Uncertainty and nerves follow almost everywhere I go,
and the desire to thank all who helped me to grow.
I don't know if they understand how much they mean,
but they've been shoulders upon which I could almost lean.
I'm almost unsure if I'll know what to say
when it finally becomes graduation day.

One glance outside and now I almost fear
that summertime is almost here.
To reflect on things I've almost won
and to think that I am almost done,
I'm proud to say I'm almost there,
then I stop and wonder...
Almost where?


  1. I love this so much. It is all so true. I love your idea of almost because it's really the only way to put it... so many different emotions and you never really know which one to feel. good job!!

  2. I love the repetition of the title throughout, and how it is weaved into the lines, not on a line of it's own or in a pattern. You used one word to really sum up all the uncertainty about graduation, and that's really cool.

  3. This is so timely and speaks to the emotion of this moment so well. The last line is perfect.
