Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Memory in Hiding

Is it hiding in the pocket of your favorite jeans,
ripped and torn from years of wear, sprawled
on the floor next to piles of clothes with the
price tags still attached, never worn?

Is it cowering behind your quivering pillow,
fearful you might spot it and never let go?

Is it struggling to grip the underside of the
dining room table, waiting for dinner to finish
so it can find a better hiding place?

Is it covered in mineral powder as it tries
to camouflage itself in your makeup bag?

Is it suffocating at the bottom of your backpack,
swimming in books never read and calculus
homework never started?

Do you let it hide or do you search for it?

Do you search for it in dark alleys late at night,
with only the sound of your hurried footsteps
echoing in your ears?

Do you turn your fingers bloody trying to dig
up the memory buried deep in the concrete?

Do you look deep inside the aching walls of
your heart hoping to find something, anything,
but knowing you've exhausted everything?

What do you do?


  1. Sanja, this is so good. I love how you personify the memory. The detail is amazing. Great job!

  2. this was really neat. I love how mysterious it is and how even in such a short amount of space, you create a feeling of longing. it works really well - good job. :)

  3. my favorite part of this is the contrast between your favorite jeans that have been worn a million times and the new clothes with the tags still on them. I don't know why exactly, but that makes so much sense to me in the context of the rest of your poem. All the details are so easy for me to relate to and the concept is so intriguing.. nicely done :)

  4. Your details work as does the abstract vs. concrete language. Also, I, too, like the clothes imagery. So you and it works!
