Monday, April 27, 2009

World Championships

I chug a bottle of Gatorade,
take a few bites of my Powerbar,
and rehearse my steps with my hands.
Unsure of myself at one moment,
but confident the next,
I take a deep breath
and glance through the velvet curtain.

Five judges stare blankly at the stage
This is my chance,
Two minutes,
Best performance,
No room for hesitation.

Silence, then "Number 59"
My heart pounds louder with every step I take
Adrenaline surges through my body in preparation
of the challenge ahead
The bright stage lights blind me as I become
acutely aware of the heat emitted from them
The sound of the accordian becomes distant
as my feet keep rhythm to an intrinsic beat
Blood rushes to my calves, my legs warm and heavy
as I frantically try to keep them in motion.

My heartbeat becomes lounder
the pulsing blood rushes through my ears
drowning out the sounds,
as if I were underwater.

Inhaling deeply through my nose,
thumbs clenched in a sweaty fist,
I finish louder,
more confident,
more powerful.
I bow, exhausted,
but exuberant
I walk off-stage with my legs weak underneath me.
I do not need to hear the results to know that I am a champion.
There is glory in a job well done.


  1. This is awesome Mairead, I can completely relate to the way you feel in this poem. Performing is unlike anything else. I really like the way you portrayed your performance! The two minutes goes by so fast but are worth more than anything. Good job!

  2. Wow! this is so nice, it hit me hard! like annie said, I can relate to this as well. My favorite line was,"My heartbeat becomes louder the pulsing blood rushes through my ears" You used powerful details and it makes me remember why performing is so great! Beautiful Poem!

  3. Okay, so my performance experience is not quite like any of you, but you help me get to that moment and experience it. I also like how the first stanza is broad enough to relate to any athlete with its small, but universal details. Love it. Thanks

  4. Mairead this is really good. You used so much imagery I felt like I was there. "I walk off-stage with my legs weak underneath me.I do not need to hear the results to know that I am a champion.
    There is glory in a job well done." I thought those few lines were really good. I feel like a lot of people can relate to it.

  5. I like the images you create here! The specific details give insight on what it would feel like to be on stage, but at the same time display a feeling that many athletes could relate to!
