Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Love Ya

What do you say to someone who you feel comfortable around,
but not so comfortable that:

You know you the echoing sound of their footsteps
coming up the stairs to your front door?

Love Ya.

Or can trust them with every secret
like the time you farted in Hallmark
and had to hide in the candle isle letting the aromas of Pine Fresh and Strawberries ‘N Cream
cover up the smell while your laughter masks your embarrassment
and any sound that may or may not escape?

Love Ya.

Or can cry on the phone to them when
Sam, Harry, Billy-Bob, Clark, Mark, Al, Tracy
broke your heart?

Love Ya.

Or tells you they are on their way to come pick you up
and drive you away to somewhere,
probably nowhere,
but you say yes because you know
wherever you go it will be fun?

Love Ya.

Don’t confuse Love Ya with Love You.
They are not equal.
Saying they mean the same is like saying
Pizza by Angelo and Angelo’s Pizza taste the same.
If you don’t get that reference,
when I hang up the phone after talking to you for
46 minutes and 54 seconds,
the last words that come out of that cell phone speaker
and glide into your ear are:

Love Ya.


  1. Aww I like this. Great! Hallmark moment. But seriously there is a lot of truth in the Love ya , Love you thing. You did a great job capturing the emotions.

  2. I LOVE THIS! I am so glad you posted it. I've been wanting to read it forever but it was certainly worth the wait. I love all your little example. They are so random, but so true. excellent job
    - Chelsea

  3. Julia, I love the structure of this and all the perfectly painted images. Love ya!

  4. This is one of my favorites on here. I like your distinction of one phrase to a very similar one. I especially like the repetition of that phrase.

  5. I like how you intersperse the words "Love Ya" with all the details those words convey. Your voice shines here too.
