Thursday, April 23, 2009

Poetry Workshop Piece- Facebook

Facebook! I can't wait to sit down in my black leather chair,
pull the up and down lever to MY height, not just anywhere.
Energy is crucial for facebooking.
I put up my feet, grab my 3rd coffee, and keep drinking.

I hear how people praise the internet:
"The best of this generation's technologies!"
Able to obtain news feeds, CD's, DVD's, phone fees, food recipes,
oh the conveniency! The infinite possibilities!

However the smooth mouse I'm holding is paralyzed,
because the home page keeps me mesmerized.
Facebook's addicting, conflicting, amazing, and fun,
"I'm just checking my notifications!"...You know I'm not done.

Facebook's got quizzes, bumper-stickers, flair, wall-to-wall,
everyone knows facebook has it all.
Messages, pokes, pictures, videos, it's the best!
It's got status', friendships, relationships, friend requests?

MOM! You didn't get a facebook, did you?
You're embarrassing me, you're pushing 52!
Talking with all my friends, learning new trends,
gossiping with my ex-girlfriends, friend requests pends, with you it never ends!

It looks like my facebooking is done,
my mother's ended all my fun.
I have to delete my profile immediately,
before my friends remember me.

The kid who's mom got facebook,
I ask her if she knows the huge part of my life she's took?
"Hours on end on this site,
taking computer time to new heights!"

She points outside and brings me to the window.
I say, "So?"
She utters, "Take a great look,
there's more to life than facebook."


  1. This poem is absolutely great! Your voice really comes through and it makes me laugh. Great job on all the rhymes, it really adds rhythm. :)

  2. hahahahahaha. ohhh, facebook. <3 i love this because my mom has a facebook too.. and my dad... AND MY GRANDMOTHER. fml. but yeah, i think everyone can relate.. facebook is like some strange vortex that sucks you in.
    nice job, lukey :)

  3. I think this poem brings a nice balance of tone to the blog. I can't wait to horrify my daughter in cyberspace!

  4. Ahaha! I love the choice of topic! Everyone can relate to it so it's funny!

  5. HAHAHA SO FUNNY! and true. definately the most addciting site ever! This poem is so relatable and i love the rhyming. It just makes poems so much more fun to read.

  6. hahaha I love allie's comment. but I agree with everyone, very funny, very true, good job! :)

  7. this is awesome Luke. it's perfect because everyone knows that what you said is totally true. gr8 job! :)

  8. Here's the deal buddy...HAHAHAHA...I love it. The whole poem is so releveant to everyday life. The fact that Only sheck Facebook and Yahoo is kind of lame but it allows me to clearly connect. I applaud the use of detail to pinpoint what that website has won us over with.. FLAIR:)

  9. Hahaha!!! Luke I love it!!! I have to say having MY mom on facebook isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Hahaha.

  10. "Take a great look,
    there's more to life than facebook." Great ending to a witty poem. The ending flawlessly makes the shift from comedy to introspective. I like it
