Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I hate my hair,
I look like a bear,
Not a cute bear,
But one that would scare,

I wake up every day,
With my head covered in hay,
Or what looks like hay,
But who am I to say,
That .

In the mirror where I stood,
I look like I live in the hood.
I will just wear a hood.
I wish that it would,

I try to brush it,
But that doesn’t do shit.
It’s the same color as shit,
I wish I could put it,

As I stood there and cussed,
I figured I’d trust,
A hat I can trust,
So I will just,


  1. Oh Julia. I know this is good because I'm sitting here reading it by myself and similing at my computer like an idiot. Hilarious.

  2. I loved this. I can even picture how you would read it out loud. I really liked the italicized words that make up a whole other part of the poem. Great!

  3. This is really cool! I love the unique rhyme scheme and the one word at the end. It's really origional! I love the tone of it too.

  4. Haha Julia I love your voice in these poems. It is so unique and entertaining.. and what you did with this one is so creative. love it!

  5. Julia, I have read this at least four times and every time it makes me laugh! I love how you took such a common topic and turned it into something so funny. :) Great job!

  6. Julia, this is so cute and creative! I love it :) well done.

  7. Jules I don't Know what to say:) I think the poem was very funny, but serves some point. I love the extremely unsubtle CHILDREN WHO GROW UP LEAVE. Overall great job and a very unique poem.

  8. I agree with dj casper! I like the interplay of cutesy rhyme with the idea of leaving.

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! TJ!! Julia i'm glad our poetry prompt sessions were so successful!

    Hahahaha... hahahaha.
