Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Universal Mask

Our true identities are safe from view,
Hiding ourselves behind a mask of cheer.
How long can we keep this unnatural hue?

A mask of happiness covers what's true,
With feelings hidden deep in our own world,
Our true identities are safe from view.

With the masks' cover we are made anew,
A porcelain smile is our cover but
How long can we keep this unnatural hue?

We fear we are watched animals in a zoo.
Inside everybody's hiding something,
Our true identities are safe from view.

The world, unkind, unfeeling, has no clue,
We just want to feel safe in our own skin.
How long can we keep this unnatural hue?

Hiding ourselves behind a mask of cheer,
Our true identities are safe from view.
How long can we keep this unnatural hue?


  1. Becky, I love the rhyming! This poem is really powerful. My favorite stanza is "A mask of happiness covers what's true,
    With feelings hidden deep in our own world,
    Our true identities are safe from view."

    I think this really speaks of high school...
    Great poem, love it!

  2. This reminds me of Dunbar's "We Wear the Masks." I love the last line and the rhyming works!!

  3. Great villanelle Becky!! I love the mataphor of the mask and the question at the end. It really made me stop to think about what you were saying.
