Thursday, April 2, 2009

Late Night Thoughts-3 AM

These tears that I cry
Another sleepless night
Come from my waking eyes
Awake in the dark
But when closed for a moment
A nightmare emerges
Teeth falling out
Being eaten alive
The dreams of a deranged slumber
Became an insomniac
Not knowing what to choose
Because either way, is a way to lose
It was never about him
No one wants to see
Sometimes just didn't know how to be free
Got help most times
But everyone gave up
Making the same mistakes again
Begging myself to avoid them
There's no way to win
Or make everyone love me
An apathetic world turns its back
I sit here in the dark
To find my soul in this black
What did I do wrong, what is it I lack?
There isn't a choice
To be alone, or suffer the pain of loneliness
There is much to live for
When morning finally comes
But still stuck with this decision
That tears me apart
Pulling out my hair
My veins bulging from my head
I scream inside, fearing my chances are dead
Only a solution, with no substitution for delusion
I yawn, I sleep
In my heart, there are these secrets I keep
I can be wanted in one way
Or not wanted at all
It's a risk of the longest fall
But there is nothing more to do
These tears that I cry
Are no longer blood on my pillow
Another sleepless night
With alternatives to consider
Coming from my waking eyes
Awake in the dark
But when closed for a moment
The answers come, I believe.



  1. Crystal,
    You win the first poet blogging award. I love the "veins bulging" image.
    You rock.

  2. Crystal, this poem is awesome! The "tears..are no longer blood on my pillow" line is really interesting. I also like all the imagery in this poem, it really shows your strong emotions.

  3. I really like the line "It's a risk of the longest fall" This can mean so many things to everyone that reads it. The imagery throughout is great. Good job!

  4. Crystal, this is such a well-written poem, the imagery is so detailed and strong, that the reader's ineterest is held throughout the entire poem. Even though not everyone has experienced the same thing, I think most people can relate to having some sleepless nights and crying themselves to sleep. Very good job. :)

  5. Crystal, I love the stream-of-thoughts feeling to this poem. I don't know if this is right, but I feel like the different ideas you address are represented in the order they came to you. I like the end and how it parallels the beginning. Also, I think the poem is specific, but still open to individual interpretation. Reading this sort of makes me want to write a poem now, because it makes me think.

  6. Great job! The details that you brought to this are amazing. There is so much emotion in your writing and it keeps me wanting to read more. Thanks for sharing some great imagery! Like Cindy said, you inspire me to write too!
