Wednesday, April 29, 2009


the truth is,
we are all scared
we are all brave.
we are all built of opposing forces
and influenced
and created and shaped and molded
and transformed
into who we are becoming.

the truth is,
it's not about who that person is.
by the time we figure that out,
we will be different.
because we are growing
and learning and changing and listening
and understanding,
slowly understanding,
each other
the world around us.

as humans,
we deal with challenges every day.
it becomes our choice
how to overcome them,
what to do
to make that challenge,
less challenging.

the truth is,
we don't know
how to do that.
so we let it build up
and break down
in endless cycles.
and we try to get by
learning how to deal with it
the best we can.

all that i want
is to spread all of my love
and watch it grow.


  1. this is really cute. i feel like everyone's like.. figuring themselves out this year. i like this.

  2. Hannah, this is so good! you know when you are having a sucky day? well I was having one of those, read your poem,and it totally put everything into perspective. thanks :) fabulous job!

  3. I just love your subject matter and your message here. :)

  4. Great! This is really nice to read, especially at this point in our lives! The ending was my faaaaaavorite. Great job!

  5. I love this poem Hannah. I can't tell exactly why it sounds so much like you, but it does: clear, resonant and commanding. I love the repetition. Great.
