Friday, April 3, 2009


Official: Spell the word me.
Speller: Me? May I have the definition please?
Official: Certainly…
A short stubby girl
Who buries herself in books
So that she can avoid wondering
Why she isn’t skinny
Why she isn’t pretty
Who eats constantly
Because she is bored
Because she is frustrated
Because she is lonely even though
She has so many friends
A girl who chews gum
When she is nervous
Because smacking gum
Takes her mind off
Walking with her head hung down
A girl who does not like to brag
To be too smart
Because she wants people to like her
Afraid to speak her opinions
Because they might be wrong
Or they might make someone angry
Tugging at clothes
Trying to hide her own flesh
Hums to keep herself from
Hearing snickers and cruel jokes
Passed from mouth to mouth
As she travels down the hallway
Who is good at listening
To other people’s problems
Because she wants to know
That there are others who are
Just as lonely
Just as frustrated
Just as afraid
As she is.


  1. This poem made me cry. It is so brave and beautifully crafted and adds the exactly right details which gets right to the heart of the truth of this poem. I love the beginning set up too. So smart. You move people with what you write and this core of lonliness is one we all feel at times. You have done exactly what the last line of June Jordan's quote expresses:"Poetry names what has been silenced and allows us to understand and articulate our connections to one another and to the world we inhabit." Thanks.

  2. Courtney,
    I love how your poem in written in a nontraditional unstructured way. It flows so well, enjoyable to read and sends out such a great message!

  3. I love this Courtney. This is the kind of stuff we all deal with.. and I am envious of how well you are able to pick out the right words to articulate such powerful feelings so effectively into a short poem like this. Very well written and very inspirational

  4. This poem is absolutely amazing, Courtney! I think anybody can relate to at least one part of it and your honesty is what makes your message even more compelling. I love the beginning- it is the perfect intro for the rest of your ideas. Great job!!

  5. Haha, well you already know what I think of this. It moved me because I feel the same way sometimes, high school is a cruel place...The beginning is my favorite just because how can you give a definition of who you are? its so hard. It's brave of you to share your feelings in this way and try to define yourself. Nice. ;)

  6. Courtney! I love this! I love how even though you are describing your life, everyone can relate to it. These are feelings and thoughts that we all go through and it's hard to write about, but you did a great job! I love the idea of defining yourself. I agree with Mariah - the beginning fits perfectly. This is really inspirational!!!

  7. Courtney, this left me speechless. It was so well written and so powerful. Very relatable. Wow.

  8. Wow, this is amazing. I agree with everyone, especially Ms. Herlihy. I love the way you began it with the spelling bee. It's very creative. I just love how it hit me, soo good! The amount of emotion is perfect.

  9. Courtney, this poem is amazing and beautiful in so many different ways. I think that various people can relate to it because your poem can take on many different levels. The amount of honesty and truth to this poem is unbelievable - I loved the ending. Your poetry is so well written- Thank you for sharing :)

  10. Courtney, this was so powerful because, like others mentioned, everyone can relate to those insecurities that we all have obstacles with. The beginning works absolutely perfectly, and the whole thing just kept me reading. I loved it, thank you.

  11. I'm at a loss for words. The courage you have to define yourself is something I do not have. Your wording is so simple yet there's so much weight behind it. I applaud you for your willingness to reveal this part of yourself. :)

  12. My last thoughts: this poem set the tone for the whole blog. It was beautiful and courageous and inspired other writers to tell their truths too.
