Monday, April 6, 2009

a funny feeling

you know that feeling
when you have been outside for awhile
and the sun starts to pound off of your back
and you can feel the sweat drip down your back
and you wish that you hadn't left your sunglasses in the car
which you hoped that you parked below a tree
because otherwise, it's gonna suck
when you sit down.

you know that feeling
when you touch someone's hand for the first time
and you might try to make it seem like an accident,
but you both know that it was on purpose.
and it keeps happening
until suddenly
your hands are clasped
and you never want to let go.

you know that feeling
when the snow is falling so hard
that you can barely lift up your foot
and place it in front of the other
until you get to your destination.
and you think that you will lose feeling in your fingers forever
and your car still feels so far away
even though you parked as close to the front
as you could.

you know that feeling
when your stomach suddenly drops
and no matter what anyone says,
tears will fall from your eyes immediately.
and you try to stop it
and you pretend that your bottom lip isn't forming that weird shape
and you start to lose vision because your eyes get so small and filled up
and your breath starts to come unnaturally
and suddenly, everything is overwhelming
and you just want to curl up in a ball
and let it all out.

you know that feeling
when you first walk outside without a coat on
and you didn't have to start your car up a few minutes before you got in it
and you even dare to unroll the sun roof,
even though you know it will make you freezing.
and you blast your favorite song
and you smile the whole way there
because spring is actually, actually on it's way.

you know that feeling
when something really isn't funny
but you're with your closest friends
and for some reason no matter how hard you try,
you cannot stop laughing.
and your eyes start to water
and your stomach is killing you
and your voice seems to disappear
so you're just laughing up silent air.

but you're so overcome with that emotion
and that feeling
and the inexpressible experience
that you have to let it happen
because if you don't
you might explode from

that one.
you know that feeling?
me too.


  1. Hannah I loveee this so much. It is so poetic but it is so have such a distinct voice and I love how it comes through in this. My favorite part is about driving when it finally feels like spring because I definitely do exactly what you wrote about :-) And I love the idea of all these small experiences that are actually really significant in our lives. so good!

  2. Hannah This is soooo good! I love the repetition and all the imagery. I especially like the ending, it was awesome!

  3. Omg the imagery is insane! You really made me feel like I was experiencing all these things while i was reading it, like I remember those times. :) I feel like it can relate to a lot of people, the ending made me feel good. :) You truly emphasized the details of feeling. haha awesome!

  4. I like how the stanzas work together. I love the sunroof in the cold image and how the speaker might explode from the inexpressible even though the snippets put together a tapestry. thanks Hannah.

  5. I love this! The imagery is awesome. I felt like I was experiencing everything you described. And I love how your voice came through so clearly. These are obviously moments that everyone experiences, but the voice made it so distinctly you. :)

  6. this is really good; the casualty is really appealing and the imagery is welll thought out.

  7. Hannah, I love this poem. I feel placed right in the middle of all these different situations, which is cool. I know what you mean with all of them. My favorite stanza is the second one because it's so true (but I guess they all are), and I can relate to that feeling well. And I agree with the other comments when they say that the imagery is awesome, and the voice is definitely you.

  8. I know every single feeling that you're talking about! Awesome imagery and way to make it your own; I pictured you throughout the entire poem. Awesome job.

  9. ahhh hannie, i love this. its very good, and i especially like how you included all sorts of different feelings from sad to happy and everything in between. i could definitely relate to each feeling! they were so realistic. i love you.

  10. Yeah, I know that feeling! Hannah- this was amazing!!! I love it. I love your voice, the imagery and the creativity. It was so incredibly good :)well done.

  11. hannah! i loved the ending to this poem. even though it was the last and final stanza in the poem it really kept me thinking. niceee job!

  12. This is amazzzzing. I love it and it's great because you captured something that is hard to put into words. So goodddd!
