Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear Dad

Dear Dad,
Do you know who I am?
I'm your son, we live in the same house together.
You're usually working, talking on the phone to an unknown voice
arguing over reports and money.
Do you remember when we stopped being close?
Do you remember why?
All I remember is being young and tired,
and you would carry me on your shoulders.
And I remember walking the dog in the woods with you,
tripping over my shoelaces as I followed you along the path
while you whistled at the dog to stay close.
I remember being excited when you came home from work,
I remember embracing you and feeling safe as I did so.
I remember you and I, Dad.
I remember wanting to be like you, why can't I feel that anymore?
One day you and I will wake up, and we'll be us again.
Until then, I miss you.
Your son.


  1. Rob, I loved this. the details of your memories helped bring it to life, and I loved the line, "One day you and I will wake up, and we'll be us again." this was really awesome.

  2. I love you. So much. This is amazing.

  3. Oh wow! This is such an amazing poem. I love it!I think every one can relate in some way to a lost relationship.

  4. The details of his voice combined with the memories and the untied shoelaces really work. I love the risks you took here with your writing Rob.
