Tuesday, April 28, 2009


a gulp of breath
a glance at the ground
a shuffle of feet
you make the first sound

a reach for my necklace
a waiver of voice
a clench of the fist
you made the choice

a turn of the face
a sigh of stress
a shutting of eyes
this is a mess

a stillness, suspension
a sign of regret
a close-hearted hug
what a good thing we met


  1. chrissy, I love this! the rhyming works so well here and I really like the fragments of description... these things combined make the poem flow so well. and the ending is my favorite, I lovee the last line!

  2. I love this poem! It is cool because it rhymes really well and flows well too. Nice :]

  3. This is so cute, Chrissy! Your feelings and emotions come through really well here. I especially love the third stanza- I could picture you saying that! Good job :)

  4. I love the way this poem flows, sort of like you're just spitting out the tiny images that lead you to the last line. I like it!

  5. I like how you structured this alot, it flows really well. Good work Chrissy!
