Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Spirit of Arcadia

Have you ever lived with twenty five girls, for seven weeks?
I'll give you some advice,
Don't unless you're ready to be deeply attached.

The first time we all met, 
I wasn't sure if I would like them.
Rubbing my sweaty palms vigorously together,
I tried to hid the nervousness that coursed through my body. 
Was it possible to be friends with complete strangers?

Yes, I soon found.
It was the little things that brought us together.
Having a swimming buddy, who wasn't afraid to dive into the icy cold water.
Or someone to roll down the grassy hill, head first.
A friend who sang just as loudly as me at 8AM.

As summers passed,
I spent most of the winters waiting impatiently to return.
I missed the unbearably hot nights, where we'd stay up hours beyond "lights out."
The simple mindless games we created when there wasn't anything else better to do,
And even the little spats the broke out for who know what reason.

These girls had become sisters.
Feeling no pressure, I was able to be my true self.
We laughed, cried and fought,
Only to find it was increasingly harder to leave each other behind.
I felt like I wasn't whole with them not around.

Things haven't changed since our last year at camp.
When we see each other, its like we never parted.
Have you ever lived with twenty five girls?
Just see what happens.   


  1. Being the first person to comment I am also the first to say that this is an awesome poem, I like how the first stanza you seem uneasy about the camp and then by the end you've made lifelong friendships. Really good job Thea!

  2. This poem makes me wish I went to summer camp.

  3. Love summer camps <3 You described it very well!

  4. As someone who went to a girls summer camp, I think you address the moments and the emotions well. Nice work.
