Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Next Chapter

The “Senior Slide” is beginning to hit,
as graduation looms around the corner.
A major chapter in our lives is about to end
and we don’t know what is next.

I know I am not the only one
scared to leave all of this. Scared to leave
my family, scared to leave my friends, scared
to live on my own, scared to finally have to
grow up. Scared the best years of life aren’t
ahead but behind me.

The next chapter brings what we all hate,
the unknown.
New faces, new buildings, new atmosphere.
It is only human nature
to fear what we do not know.

The next chapter brings the unknown,
but we can't let ourselves
forget the "known."
We all have to remember growing
up together and where we came from.


  1. how do I edit this... the ending disappeared when I pasted the poem.

  2. Repost it. When it appears, I'll delete this one.
