Thursday, April 30, 2009


There is a girl I know
Light brown eyes
Soft, delicate skin
A smile that could light up a room.

Girls want to be her
Guys want to date her
Teachers respect her
Her parents and her brother love her.

But she looks in the mirror
At her light brown eyes
Her soft, delicate skin
And she sees nothing.

Her eyes are filled with hatred
Her palms begin to sweat
And she reaches for some pills
And a knife.

She gets in her car
She opens the bottle
And swallows the pills
Until she is numb.

She lets the knife cut her skin
She watches the blood run down her wrists
She begins to breathe deeply
And waits for the end.

There is a girl I know
Light brown eyes
Soft, delicate skin
Graduating college at the top of her class.

And now she looks in the mirror
At her light brown eyes
Her soft, delicate skin
And she sees what everyone else sees.

She doesn't know that girl in the car anymore.


  1. I have already told you how much I love this, but I'll tell you again. The honesty in this is very powerful. Even though you are writing about some big issues, you have zoned in on little details - "soft, delicate skin" and "that girl in the car". I love it.

  2. Rob this is amazing. You took something terrible and put it into a beautiful poem.. and her growth and your growth and the way you came to terms with it is so evident and powerful. So good. I love you.

  3. Rob, this is really well written. The descriptions and imagery in this are very straightforward and they make the story even more compelling. Nice job :)

  4. Yes, I would date her. But that's besides the fact.. I guess. Good poem, good meaning, It's a ten in my books. I liked the repetition and the ending as well.

  5. This is so powerful and well written. I like to details you used to show who your sister is on the inside and out. It's amazing how you used such a rough time to create such a wonderful poem, great poem.

  6. There are not many guys who would take this kind of emotional leap. The poem works because it writes into the heart of the pain.

  7. I posted too soon. Excellent details and movement. Thanks for posting this.
