Monday, April 6, 2009


These are the eyes that see the world
In a way that no one else does
The eyes that make the decisions
The eyes that hold the barrier inside
The eyes that have built the walls of support for eighteen years

These are the eyes that see the world
In a way that can find the strength in anything
The eyes that can pick out that perfect outfit for a friday night
The eyes that have watched the sweat drip down my forehead
The eyes that turn from brown to green after shedding a nights worth of tears

These are the eyes that see the world
In a way that represents individuality
The eyes that wear smudged mascara
The eyes that watch the rain stream down the car windows
The eyes that wake up every morning to stare at a blank white ceiling

But most of all,
These are the eyes that have grown,
Have seen live,
Have lived life,
Have laughed and cried
These are the eyes that belong to me


  1. I love this! The repetition really works. Great job!

  2. The imagery in this is really good! I agree with Meg, the repitition works really well!! Awesome poem!

  3. Mmmm like this. now it kinda makes me want to see what your eyes look like if your crying, no offense haha. :) As said above, I like the repetition and how its almost taken from a 3rd person perspective, yet it's you looking out on the world. you bring deep feelings to the surface, lovely!

  4. I think you are finding your creative voice Molly. The small details do a lot of great work here. The poem also takes an emotional risk which is something I didn't see earlier on in the year. I'm proud of you!

  5. I really like this Molly. It's very relatable and at the same time your own. My favorite line was, "The eyes that wake up every morning to stare at a blank white ceiling" very metaphorical. Well done.

  6. My favorite line: The eyes that turn from brown to green after shedding a nights worth of tears. I love how the sum of your experiences have given way to growth, but have also left room for future progress. I love it.
