Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seven Minutes

The sweat drips down below your eyebrow, stinging your eye.
And the drops of blood trickle down, staining your knee and sock.

The bruise from yesterdays game has already turned blue.
And your muscles ache as you strain to be the strongest, fastest, smartest person out there.

Your hands are on your knees, resting, as the exhaustion has hit you.
But the phosphorescent lights on the scoreboard still read 7 minutes.

Then you remember,

Each weight you lifted, each fitness test you struggled through.
Every game you have played in, win or lose.

Every coach who has taught you.
Every referee you have argued with.

Is what got you to this exact moment.
You have 7 minutes to complete what you stepped out onto that field to do.

All the cleats you have tied,
All the hands you have shaken,
All the tears you have shed,
All the laughs you have had,
All the memories that will never be lost,

And realize that it was all worth it.


  1. This is so good. You did so well summing up your experience with high school athletics, but the second person pov makes it much more general. I love poems i can understand and relate to!

  2. Molly, this is so cute! You really captured the thought that go through your head during a game. I can totally relate to watching the clock and realizing how close the end is to a game or workout! good job molly!

  3. Very nice job, Molly. I know exactly how you feel.

  4. I remember this poem and the details of the first three stanzas are so clear. Your intensity, both as a writer and athlete, shines through!

  5. This poem stood out because of the clear details you included that we all can relate to. Great poem Molly.
