Sunday, April 12, 2009

He's Not Worth It

I walk outside.
I open the door to my jeep,
my jeep.
The evidence is there.
Beer bottles cover the floor,
and the seats,
and the trunk.
So many bottles,
all in my jeep.
I want to cry
but hold back the tears.
He’s not worth it.
I tell myself he’s not worth it.
I shut the door.

I walk into his closet.
The evidence is there.
More bottles,
more lies.
I start to cry.
He’s not worth it.
I walk out.

My phone rings.
It’s him.
I want to yell,
And tell him how I feel.
“So you’re not coming home?”
I want to but I can’t.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I hang up the phone.
I want to cry,
but he’s not worth it.

12am he calls again.
Wait, it’s not him.
It’s his girlfriend.
I answer the phone,
“I need to pick him up where?”
I put down the phone.
I want to cry but I don’t.
He’s not worth it.

I get to the bar,
He’s so drunk he can barely talk.
I try to take his keys,
But he refuses.
I want to argue,
Tell him that one dead parent is enough.
I want to make him come with me,
But I can’t.
I walk out of the bar
And get into my car.
I cry the whole way home.
He’s not worth it.


  1. I love the repitition and raw emotion you put into this poem Rachel, it's absolutely incredible. Great job!

  2. You put so much emotion into this poem Rachel. It kept me hooked and I wanted to keep reading after the last stanza. Awesome writing : )

  3. Rachel, this is beautiful. It actually made me cry. It was so brave of you to write something like this. :) Suuuuch a good job!!

  4. The emotion in this poem is so strong and incredible. The repetition brings all of the individual moments together in a really powerful way. I almost cried. You did a really great job!

  5. Rachel, this is so good. It is emotional and raw and powerful. Very brave.

  6. I want to echo all the comments here. The repetition of both words and images feels like this tight knot which holds together the explosive emotion right below the surface. Thanks.

  7. Rachel, I love this. I think what makes this so powerful and what drew me in reading it is how genuine and real you are. I really admire how expressive your words are without being too fancy or trying to sugarcoat anything.. the repetition adds so much and the sincerity of this poem makes it so inspirational. awesome job

  8. Rachel, I seriously admire you. This is a great poem, and I love the life you bring to it.

  9. Rachel, I'm sorry that this poem is so genuine because of the pain that clearly has come from your situation. However, the poem is amazing! I think when poems come from the heart and are genuine, the best work comes out of it! This was very brave and I'm proud of you :)

  10. Rach, this is amazing, you really are a great person and your dad should admire the hell out of you for being there for him.

  11. rachel, you are so brave to put your soul right out there for everyone to see. this is an outstanding poem, and you made even the most terrible content seem really poetic. great job!

  12. I love you rach and i admire you so much. you are such a strong person and that definately comes through here. You certainly deserve the best daughter award. You treat him so well without getting anything in return. You are always the bigger person, don't ever change that

  13. hahaha it looks like you commented on yourself. You're a blog loser

  14. This poem is really moving Rachel, it touched me so much I don't know what to say. I love the true feeling behind the words.
